tips to


tips to#ownyourmindset

You can support your mental health by finding ways to deal with everyday stress. Building a routine for your mental health is like any skill: The more you work at it, the better you’ll get. 

Some tips and activities might work better than others, so see what works for you. Don’t get discouraged if something doesn’t click. Everyone’s mental health tools are unique!

Share how you’re feeling

If you’re struggling with something, sometimes getting it out of your head and talking with someone else can really help. Try sharing how you’re feeling with friends, family, a counselor, or a doctor. (Or any of the resources here.)

Focus on what’s within your control

When things are overwhelming, it can feel like you have no control. This isn’t always the case, though. Try making a list of everything that’s bothering or upsetting you. You might find things that you can change or improve.

Listen to your gut

You know best how you feel, so listen to yourself. If something feels weird or off, sit with it—then try exploring that feeling instead of avoiding it. This can also help you identify patterns in your thinking.

Focus on the physical

How we feel physically can affect how we feel mentally. Sleep, food, and exercise can all impact our mood. Try checking in on your five senses to ground yourself and center your mind.

Get offline and outside

It helps to disconnect a little from all the screens in our lives. Take a short screen or social media break by not logging in for a day or silencing notifications. Instead, go sit outside, take a walk, or try exploring the outdoors.

Celebrate moments of joy

When we’re stressed out, it’s easy to focus on all the things that aren’t going our way. Instead, try thinking about something that brings you joy—a good memory, a pet, even a funny video. Focusing on these small joys can have a big impact on how you feel.

Share how you’re feeling

If you’re struggling with something, sometimes getting it out of your head and talking with someone else can really help. Try sharing how you’re feeling with friends, family, a counselor, or a doctor. (Or any of the resources here.)

Focus on what’s within your control

When things are overwhelming, it can feel like you have no control. This isn’t always the case, though. Try making a list of everything that’s bothering or upsetting you. You might find things that you can change or improve.

Listen to your gut

You know best how you feel, so listen to yourself. If something feels weird or off, sit with it—then try exploring that feeling instead of avoiding it. This can also help you identify patterns in your thinking.

Focus on the physical

How we feel physically can affect how we feel mentally. Sleep, food, and exercise can all impact our mood. Try checking in on your five senses to ground yourself and center your mind.

Get offline and outside

It helps to disconnect a little from all the screens in our lives. Take a short screen or social media break by not logging in for a day or silencing notifications. Instead, go sit outside, take a walk, or try exploring the outdoors.

Celebrate moments of joy

When we’re stressed out, it’s easy to focus on all the things that aren’t going our way. Instead, try thinking about something that brings you joy—a good memory, a pet, even a funny video. Focusing on these small joys can have a big impact on how you feel.

Other self-care activities

Other self-care


Everyone can benefit from self-care, but what is it exactly? Self-care is pretty much anything that supports your mental health and helps you feel and function well. 

If you find yourself feeling down, anxious, or stressed out, try one of these self-care activities to help you reset your mindset and take care of yourself.

FOR your brain

  • Listen to a podcast or learn something new
  • Get creative by coloring something or trying out a new craft
  • Think about three things you accomplished recently
  • Tidy up/organize your personal space
  • Watch a show or movie that makes you feel good

FOR your body

  • Drink water
  • Get an extra hour of sleep
  • Go outside for a walk
  • Move your body for 20–30 minutes
  • Eat a bowl of your favorite fruits or veggies


  • Call/text a loved one and thank them for something
  • Give yourself a little treat
  • Sing or dance to a favorite song
  • Share good news with someone
  • Make plans to meet up with a friend
Resources and Support