Strengthen your mental health

Strengthen YOUR


No matter where you’re at with your mental health, it can always get stronger. Find tools to help you explore your feelings and #OwnYourMindset.

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It’s common to need mental health support. But sometimes it’s hard to tell when you do. Struggles show up differently for everyone and don’t always look like panic attacks or wanting to stay in bed all day. Even stuff that seems small can add up and mess with your daily life.

Signs it’s time to

try something new

Signs it’s time to try something new

Checking in regularly with yourself or someone you trust can help you see if something’s off. Think about how you’re feeling and ask if it’s affecting your thoughts, your body, or your life in any way. Here are some things to watch out for:

In your brain

  • Racing thoughts
  • Mood swings or big feelings
  • Can’t make a decision
  • Can’t focus on anything
  • Always expecting the worst

In your body

  • Tense, tight muscles
  • Headaches
  • Changes in appetite
  • Weird sleep patterns
  • Feeling tired all the time

In your life

  • Wanting to be alone
  • Avoiding friends or family
  • Struggling with work or grades
  • Feeling blah about everything
  • Not enjoying stuff you used to

Reflect on how you feel

Reflect on

how you feel

It can also be helpful to regularly ask yourself some quick questions, like:

On a scale of 0 to 10,
how am I feeling today?

If I need to talk, who
do I know will listen?

On a scale of 0 to 10,
how am I feeling today?

If I need to talk, who
do I know will listen?

What’s been on my mind lately?

Am I giving my body what it needs?

What’s been on my mind lately?

Am I giving my body what it needs?

What’s brought me joy recently?

If you can’t think of anyone in your life right now that you’d feel comfortable talking to about your mental health, that’s OK. There are a lot of people and organizations trained in mental health that can help.

Resources and Support